Developing 21st Century Skills in Middle School Students: YA's MetLife Program

October 09, 2014 |
Research has shown that middle school is a critical development point for young people, and a time where the foundation for future learning and success is built. In order to help establish this solid foundation, the MetLife Learning for Life program was created. The MetLife Learning for Life program focuses on creating specially designed residencies for middle school students, led by Young Audiences teaching artists in conjunction with classroom teachers. The program empowers students to solve real world problems through a variety of art forms, which piques interest in and commitment to education throughout high school and helps prepare them for the 21st century work force.
Young Audiences Arts for Learning programs offer a wide variety of opportunities for students to engage in, ranging from a poetry residency focusing on recycling the importance of caring for the earth to a program that explores the environmental, political and business issues that come with producing everyday objects like a shirt. Though the range of programs is wide, the overall goal is the same, to help motivate students to pursue educational achievement and to prepare them to enter into society and the 21st century work place with confidence and excellence.
Below are a few selected case studies that illustrate the diversity of these programs and the impact they have on the students involved. Click the titles to view each case study in full. Click here to check out all of our case studies.

The Sandy Relief Arts Education Initiative

Inquiry Question:
How can students be empowered to use the arts to reflect and respond to personal and communal adversity, and use their understanding to create and share artwork with a focus on resilience and healing for themselves and their school community?
Inquiry Question:
Can self-esteem, school performance, and positive life choices of at-risk middle school students be influenced by their participation in an in-school dance program?

Inquiry Question:
How can rythym and dance help aid students in learning about sound?

Arts Lab: Student Assessments

Inquiry Question:
How can students use the arts as part of their lives to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of global issues that effect their world?