The Young Audiences Arts for Learning National Organization has long been committed to supporting the growth and development of individual YA affiliates through a variety of services and grant programs. The Affiliate Development Fund (ADF), open to affiliates of the YA Network, provides an opportunity to help build the capacity of affiliates and the YA Network in order to establish ideas that can serve as best practices for the Network and the arts in education field. The purpose of this fund is to encourage and support innovative strategies in all areas of organizational development for the betterment of the Network and the young people we serve.
For the purpose of this grant, we define “development of affiliates” as strategies and activities that build and sustain the organization’s capacity to achieve measurable outcomes in specific areas of operation beyond the term of the grant. For the intent of this granting opportunity, increased capacity in developing and implementing sustainable programs or operational systems addressing social and/or racial justice impacting historically marginalized communities will receive prioritized consideration. Strategies and activities will need to include a robust documentation and assessment component measuring programmatic intent, aligned to federal, state and/or local educational standards, as applicable.
At the heart of the ADF grant program is the expectation that the entire YA Network will benefit from the organizational development of each affiliate, which in turn will enable us to better carry out YA's mission to enhance the creativity, learning skills and cultural understanding of all children and youth. The flexibility in the term and amount of ADF grants is intended to support affiliates in designing proposals that best meet their needs and vision for change wherever they are in their organizational development.
Questions? Please contact Melissa Gawlowski Pratt, Director of Strategic Partnerships & Network Relations, at melissa@ya.org.