RAISE (Responsive Arts in School Education) is a five-year, multi-state project designed to address the current, urgent needs of young learners through forging a new model of development and partnership for teaching artists and school support teams, who work together on in-depth, customized, trauma-informed and culturally responsive-sustaining arts in education residencies. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
RAISE Teaching Artists (Arts for Learning Miami) from Young Audiences National on Vimeo.
“I am forever indebted to you and your amazing attention to our growth as teaching artists and facilitators. This is groundbreaking stuff and we are the early adapters on the leading edge of a paradigm shift for our best and most honest living. I move forward in confidence that I have a huge community supporting me. I look forward to a lifetime more of beautiful life experiences teaching arts in education.”
-- YA Teaching Artist / RAISE Participant
Project Goals
- Supporting teaching artists in strengthening their practice
- Lifting up the role of and support the needs of school support staff
- Creating new and innovative partnership model
- Disseminating library of digital resources for arts-integrated, trauma-informed instructional practices
Primary Project Activities
- Teaching Artist training, coaching, and action research
- Learning networks for Teaching Artists and school support staff
- Professional learning for school staffs
- Customized school-based arts education residencies
- Intensive online multi-year PD for hundreds of Teaching Artists / staff across the country
- 210 participants to date; projecting 500 by Year 5 Topics: Intro to Social-Emotional Learning; Healing-Centered Engagement; Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Pedagogy
- Customized PD and coaching for local residency teams: Teaching Artists, teachers, school social workers, program staff
- Fostering partnership and collaboration at the school level
- Sharing strategies and best practices across the national network
- Each participating affiliate organization works with two school partners
- Students receive approximately 12-15 arts-integrated lessons per year, infused with strategies learned from the online training
- Teachers and school social workers receive training in arts integration
- Families enjoy a culminating community event at school each year to celebrate the arts
- Teams engage in inter-visitations and national convenings to deepen the learning
RAISE continues to expand its impact and affiliate implementation across the YA network.
Evaluating RAISE
Young Audiences partners with Metis Associates to conduct program research and evaluation.
Read more:
RAISE Local Implementation Summary: Year 2
Checking In with RAISE: YA's Responsive Arts in School Education Program (September 2023)
RAISE in Action (January 2024)
If you have questions about RAISE, please contact Melissa Gawlowski Pratt, Director of Strategic Partnerships & Network Relations, at melissa@ya.org.