Norah Dooley is an “entrancing storyteller,” (Scott Alarik, Boston Globe) critically acclaimed children's author, and educator. Norah performs in schools, libraries, and conferences, and specializes in teaching people of all ages how important their stories are.
Norah was featured as an Exchange Place storyteller at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN, the Newport Folk Festival, the Clearwater Festival, and several Cambridge Revels. For over 20 summers, she has told stories to 1000s of children through ReadBoston.org, and for the past four summers, has also been featured as a historical storyteller for SaveTheHarbor.org.
Her four published picture books are available at LernerBooks.com. All titles, Everybody Cooks Rice, Everybody Bakes Bread, Everybody Serves Soup, and Everybody Brings Noodles, are about her family and their former Cambridge, MA neighbors. Norah also has six spoken word CDs: The Music of Angels (1999), Italian Folk Tales (2002), Stories from the Neighborhood (2002), Rabbitails (2006), My Bad Bad Dog & Other Neighbors (2006), and Irish Tales (2007), all produced by Seat of Her Pants Productions and available at CDBaby.com.
Norah has an MEd in Creative Arts and Learning and has been a full time classroom teacher and an instructor in visual and performing arts in elementary and middle schools. She is the founder of the curriculum-based high school storytelling program, StoriesLive.org, and was a co-founder of massmouth.org and the Boston Story Slam series.
Norah is on the teaching artist roster of Young Audiences of Massachusetts. She earned the Young Audiences Arts for Learning National Residency Teaching Artist Credential in 2021.
Storyteller and Author
Arts Integration
College/Career Readiness
English Language Learners
Professional Development
Social Justice